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Little Upsilon: Jun 11 5224
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Corporations in La Republica del Unoddo

Number of Corporations in your Country  22Number of Corporations
Number of State Controlled Corporations  21Number of State Corporations
Number of CEO Controlled Corporations  1Number of Private Corporations
Number of National Corporations  0 
Number of Employees in all Corporations  6,507,204Employees in Corporations
Number of Employees in State Controlled Corporations  6,205,779Employees in State Corporations
Number of Employees in CEO Controlled Corporations  301,425Employees in Private Corporations
Tax Percentage  30 
Profit Contributions by State Controlled Corporations  50 
About Corporations
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The Corporations

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sort corporations by product
  State Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Belagua Medical Materials 491.94B SC$   None shortage 104 % 100 %
image Bellona Armored Vehicle Missil 423.06B SC$   None low 104 % 100 %
image Bentar Medical Materials 461.10B SC$   None low 104 % 100 %
image Bercola Factory Maintenance 405.61B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Bigetown Missile Interceptors 510.94B SC$   None low 104 % 100 %
image Bokana Anti Aircraft Missiles 462.94B SC$   None low 104 % 100 %
image Christy Str Weapons Maintenanc 145.01B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Dillion Plastics 179.72B SC$   None OK 0 % 100 %
image Dotamunda Anti Aircraft Missil 485.26B SC$   None shortage 97 % 100 %
image Harrisson Defensive Missiles 471.60B SC$   None shortage 104 % 100 %
image Loska Anti Aircraft Missiles 437.31B SC$   None low 104 % 100 %
image Mal Puento Construction 318.48B SC$   None shortage 104 % 100 %
image Mentoba Cars 257.78B SC$   None shortage 31 % 100 %
image Morro Attack Drone Missiles 136.93B SC$   None OK 83 % 100 %
image Nabla Missile Interceptors 466.23B SC$   None low 69 % 100 %
image Ono Ammunition Components 244.56B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Osaka Robotics 196.61B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Palo Alto Cars 209.97B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Sunter Anti Aircraft Missiles 482.59B SC$   None OK 104 % 100 %
image Westgate Light Tank Ammunition 342.72B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Woodway Services 550.46B SC$   None low 104 % 100 %

  Privately Held Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image X Computers 515.13B SC$   None OK 105 % 100 %

No new corporations are currently under construction.

There are no pending requests to locate corporations in La Republica del Unoddo.

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